The Museum is now closed for the Winter. See you in April 2025!

Getting involved

Become a friend

It costs just £15 (individual) or £20 (for families) a year to become a Friend of Saxmundham Museum for which you’ll receive our newsletter at the beginning and at the end of each season, invitations to special events and fundraising actvities.

We are informally linked to Saxmundham History Society.

You can become a Friend of Saxmundham Museum by completing our Friends form, which you can pick up from the Museum or download here.

Would you like to become a steward at the Museum?

The stewards are a very important part of the museum, as a steward you would welcome visitors and help them with any inquiries they may have. You do not need to know everything about the history of Saxmundham but if you do then all the better!

The museum is open 10am 'til 1pm Monday to Saturday, April through to the end of September. The stewards are organised on a rota where you can volunteer for as many mornings as you’d like. You can nominate preferences for certain days of the week.

Each morning there are two stewards on duty, they collect the keys to the museum, unlock and turn off the alarm. There is a sign and a board to put up outside.

The museum has a small cinema and we like to play a film. This just needs the DVD player and projector to be switched on. There are a few other small daily tasks but nothing complicated or hard.

The steward's main duty is to be the friendly, welcoming face of the museum

Tea, coffee, milk and biscuits are available to stewards and there is a small kitchen area and toilet facilities.

As a steward you will also be invited to events we organise such as quiz nights, Summer Party and our Friends evening with food and entertainment in November.

If you'd like more information please email or call Jane on 01728 452101


Do you know a lot about the history of Saxmundham and the surrounding area? Do you have a special interest such as agriculture, retail or railways?

Would you be prepared to share your knowledge by being a Steward or talking about your area of interest?

We occasionally need painters and decorators, qualified electricians, people to plan and change displays, people who can cook or bake for our fundraising events and people for the grand pre-season spring clean.

Schools and Clubs

If you belong to a club, society or school that would like to visit the Museum outside our normal opening hours, please get in touch.

We’ll be happy to arrange a tour and to tailor it to any special interest you may have.

We will make school visits an active learning experience, relevant to the age of the students and their curricular needs.

A visit by a member of the museum team in advance to engage with the students in school can be arranged.

Any group, school or society who is interested please contact Peter Minta

We charge a small fee per group.

East Suffolk District Council
Saxmundham Town Council
Suffolk Museums
Saxmundham & District
Heritage Lottery
The Elizabeth Frankland Moore And Star Foundation

© Saxmundham Museum 2024 onwards. Registered UK charity no. 1089661. All rights reserved.
Website by Sax Museum volunteers